Mentoring Groups

One of the more beloved resources for students in the Billy Graham School is Mentoring Groups. These groups provide regular fellowship between a small group of students and a faculty member. Faculty members in the BGS enjoy mentoring students by offering spiritual support outside the classroom. The regular meetings provide opportunities for relational development, encouragement, and, most importantly, prayer.

“Learning to minister to God’s people is more caught than taught. Having faculty model care for you and your fellow students will not only encourage you in the short term, but also guide you in the long term. Let us know you while you get to know us.”

– Dr. Jeremy P. Pierre, Dean

For all Billy Graham School students, participation in Mentoring Groups is voluntary. We hope most students will experience the rich benefits of this opportunity by prioritizing this in their schedules. Forms are due January 16th. For more information on Mentoring Groups at Southern Seminary, please contact

Mentoring Group Calendar

FALL 2023:


On campus students will have the option of meeting with the following professors on Wednesday, August 23, September 20, and October 11 from 10-11 AM EST. The location of where you will meet will be emailed to you before the first meeting. **Dates and times are subject to change due to professor schedules.

Dr. Tim Beougher

Dr. George Martin

Dr. Will Bishop

Dr. Esther Crookshank – Women Only

Dr. Justin Irving


Online students will have the option of meeting with the following professors over Zoom on Wednesday, August 23, September 20, and October 11 from 10-11 AM EST. The Zoom link for each group will be emailed before the first meeting. **Dates and times are subject to change due to professor schedules.

Dr. Keith McKinley

Dr. John David Trentham

Dr. Robert Jones

Dr. Matthew Westerholm

Please Register HERE by Tuesday, August 15th.

Are you ready to become a pastor, counselor, or church leader who is Trusted for Truth?

Preview Day

Friday, April 11