Certificate in Great Commission Studies

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Program Snapshot

15 Credit Hours 5 Classes
1 Years to Complete
$310 Per Credit Hour
On Campus
Next Start Date April 7

Foundational training for those engaged in missional service.

The fifteen-hour online graduate certificate provides an option for people already engaged in service in the local church or in cross-cultural ministry whose educational needs do not warrant a commitment to a full degree program. All courses are available in online format and may be completed in one semester.

Certificate in Great Commission Studies
Course Number Description Credit Hours
42490 The Cooperative Program (2)
22100 Biblical Hermeneutics 3
20200 Introduction to the Old Testament I or 3
20220 Introduction to the Old Testament II
22200 Introduction to the New Testament I or 3
22220 Introduction to the New Testament II
27060 Systematic Theology I: Theological Prolegomena, and the Nature and Works of God or 3
27070 Systematic Theology II: Christ, Salvation, and the Holy Spirit or
27080 Systematic Theology III: Baptist Theology of Scripture and the Church, and Eschatology
32960 Introduction to Missiology or 3
45260 Discipleship Ministry
Total 15

Total Certificate in Great Commission Studies: 15

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the Christian worldview and have a global vision for fulfilling the Great Commission.
  • Students will be able to integrate systematic and historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
a smiling women talking


Contact Admissions

Phone: (502) 897-4200

Text: (502) 305-3554

Email: admissions@sbts.edu

Are you ready to become a pastor, counselor, or church leader who is Trusted for Truth?

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Preview Day

Friday, April 11