Advanced Master of Divinity

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Program Snapshot

72 Credit Hours 24 Classes
2-3 Years to Complete
$310 Per Credit Hour Learn more
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Next Start Date April 7

Take the next step in your ministry training.

The Advanced Master of Divinity is an accelerated professional degree program for students who have previous undergraduate work in biblical or ministry studies or who are graduates of Boyce College.

Applicants must have previous academic work in specific courses to qualify for this program. See "Admissions" tab for more information.

Prepare for more faithful service

Admissions Requirements

In addition to the online application, transcripts, and pastor/church recommendation, the Advanced M.Div. application requires the following:

  • A baccalaureate degree in religion or biblical studies with a 3.3 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • The baccalaureate degree must have substantial hours in bible, theology, and/or Christian ministry.
  • Academic Paper – Applicants will upload a writing sample to the application. Please submit an unmarked sample from your previous schooling. It should be a clean copy and may account for former professor’s editorial comments.

Click here to learn more or start your application.

*Graduates of Boyce College Bachelor’s programs are eligible to apply for the Advanced M.Div.

Language Proficiency

During a student’s first year in the Advanced Master of Divinity, they must demonstrate proficiency in Biblical Greek and Hebrew. Students may either:

  • Take Beginning Greek (22400) and Beginning Hebrew (20400) during first year in the program.
  • Receive a passing grade on Beginning Greek and Hebrew advanced placement exams.
Biblical Studies
Course Number Description Credit Hours
20440 Introduction to Hebrew Exegesis: Ruth 3
22440 Introduction to Greek Exegesis: 1 John 3
27800 Theology of the Old Testament 3
27820 Theology of the New Testament 3
Total 12
Theological Studies
Course Number Description Credit Hours
27080 Systematic Theology III: Baptist Theology of Scripture and the Church, and Eschatology1 3
28700 Christian Apologetics1 3
Total 6
Practical Studies
Course Number Description Credit Hours
30000 Christian Preaching1 or 3
45400 Christian Teaching
32100 Personal Evangelism & Devotion1 3
32960 Introduction to Missiology1 3
34300 Biblical Counseling & Personal Ministry of the Word1 3
40080 Christian Leadership 3
40301 Pastoral Ministry2 or 3
45260 Discipleship Ministry
Total 18
Unrestricted Electives
Course Number Description Credit Hours
Advanced Master of Divinity – Unrestricted Electives 36
Total 36
Cooperative Program
Course Number Description Credit Hours
42490 The Cooperative Program3 (2)
Total 0

Total Advanced Master of Divinity: 72

Additional Courses
Course Number Description Credit Hours
28999 Thesis Research and Writing (if required) +2
  1. Boyce College graduates who have taken an equivalent course at Boyce may take an upper-level elective in the same area. For more information students may contact
  2. 30000 and 40301 are reserved for men.
  3. The Cooperative Program Course is a (one-time) non-curricular requirement. Students should enroll in the class during their first year of study.
  4. Thesis Research and Writing is optional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Male graduate on graduation day

The Advanced M.Div. will prepare students for church/pastoral ministry or advanced studies in theology.

The M.Div. at Southern Seminary combines a robust core of biblical and theological studies plus missions, evangelism, and ministry courses to ensure students are prepared for a variety of ministry roles.

In addition to the online application, transcripts, and pastor/church recommendation, the Advanced M.Div. application requires the following:

  • A baccalaureate degree in religion or biblical studies with a 3.3 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • The baccalaureate degree must have substantial hours in bible, theology, and/or Christian ministry.
  • If you have any questions, email for a transcript evaluation.
  • Academic Paper – Applicants will upload a writing sample to the application. Please submit an unmarked sample from your previous schooling. It should be a clean copy and may account for former professor’s editorial comments.

Click here to learn more or start your application.

*Graduates of Boyce College Bachelor’s programs are eligible to apply for the Advanced M.Div.

During a student’s first year in the Advanced Master of Divinity, they must demonstrate proficiency in Biblical Greek and Hebrew. Students may either:

  • Take Beginning Greek (22400) and Beginning Hebrew (20400) during first year in the program.
  • Receive a passing grade on Beginning Greek and Hebrew advanced placement exams.

You can email or contact your Admissions Counselor to learn about your qualifications to the Advanced M.Div.

Advanced M.Div. faculty includes:

James M. Hamilton

Professor of Biblical Theology

Gregg R. Allison

Professor of Christian Theology

Research Interests

Ecclesiology, Pneumatology, Theological Anthropology

Duane A. Garrett

John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology

John D. Wilsey

Professor of Church History and Philosophy

Research Interests

History of Religious Nationalism
Church History
Religious Liberty

Resources as a Southern Seminary student

Academic Support

Access academic advising, writing assistance, language tutoring and more as a Southern Seminary online or on-campus student.

Flexible Course Options

With multiple course delivery options you’ll find classes that fit around your schedule.

  • 100% online degrees
  • Main campus courses
  • Hybrid campus intensive options

Financial Aid

We are committed to making your education affordable. Our Financial Aid office can connect you with institutional & outside sources of aid.

an aerial landscape of a tower


Contact Admissions

Phone: (502) 897-4200

Text: (502) 305-3554


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Preview Day

Friday, April 11