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Alex Duke | From Eden to Egypt

April 17, 2025 • 3:00 pm

Join Alex Duke alongside Dr. James M. Hamilton and pastor Sam Emadi on a guided tour of Genesis.

The Bookstore at Southern | Thursday, April 17, 3 p.m.

A brief Q&A will follow the discussion.

From Eden to Egypt: A Guided Tour of Genesis

The Bible is one story told through dozens of people over thousands of years. As Christians, we know we’re supposed to believe this – and so we do. But when we pick up our Bibles, if we’re honest, we sometimes lose the thread, especially with some of the strange and obscure happenings in Genesis.

We can’t help but wonder, What’s this all about?!

Who – or what – are the Nephilim? What about this mysterious Melchizedek who seems to appear out of nowhere? Why are there so many genealogies? Why do Abraham and a Hittite haggle for so long about the price of a rinky-dink cave? Hang on, are we supposed to be comfortable with Abraham sacrificing his son? Or with Lot’s, um, unseemly family dynamics? Or with Jacob’s multiple wives? Why do the book’s heroes so often act like villains?

And, of course, what does all this have to with Jesus and the gospel?

Careful readers of the Bible have many questions about Genesis. In From Eden to Egypt, Alex Duke will give everyday Christians a guided tour of these wonderful stories so that they’ll see – perhaps for the first time – that it’s all there for a reason.

Alex Duke (M.Div.) graduated from Western Kentucky University in 2011 with a degree in Journalism and Creative Writing. He then moved back to his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky to begin classes at Southern Seminary. In the spring of 2013, he served as a pastoral intern at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. He has worked as the editorial manager for 9Marks since 2014, and at Third Avenue Baptist Church since 2019.
Dr. James M. Hamilton has served as Professor of Biblical Theology since 2008. Before coming to Southern, Hamilton served as assistant professor of biblical studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Houston campus and was the preaching pastor at Baptist Church of the Redeemer. Hamilton is currently the senior pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
Dr. Sam Emadi is senior pastor at Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church in Louisville, KY and senior editor at 9Marks.
He is also cohost of the podcast Bible Talk; and author of What Should I Do Now That I’m a Christian? (Crossway, 2020), Who’s in Charge of the Church? (Crossway, 2022), and From Prisoner to Prince: The Joseph Story in Biblical Theology (IVP Academic, 2022).

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Preview Day

Friday, April 11