Close up of the SBTS bell tower

Southern Seminary Institutional Scholarships

Primary Institutional Scholarships

Continue scrolling to see additional scholarships

General Scholarship

Students enrolled in a master’s-level program are eligible to apply for the need-based General Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and are divided equally between fall and spring semesters. Awards range from $600-$1,600 per year ($300-$800 per semester).


  • Students must be full-time (9+ paid credit hours) and must be taking courses at the Louisville campus. Online students and extension center students are not eligible to apply. Students taking both on-campus and Internet courses are eligible to apply if enrolled in a greater number of on-campus hours than online hours.
  • Students must be admitted into a degree program. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible to receive financial aid.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing for eligibility. Students on academic warning, academic probation, or disciplinary probation are not eligible to apply.
  • Students must complete the College Board PROFILE by the appropriate deadline listed below.
  • Complete the Financial Aid Follow-Up Form and make sure to select “General Scholarship” as the scholarship you are applying for. We will send you this form after you complete your College Board PROFILE.


New Students: July 1 (fall entry), or January 1 (spring entry)

Continuing students: June 1

Rice-Judson Scholarship

The Rice-Judson Scholarship honors two Baptist missionaries: Luther Rice and Adoniram Judson. It is the most prestigious and competitive scholarship offered at SBTS and application is available only for entering first semester students. The scholarship is awarded a total of $2,500 and will be equally divided into Fall and Spring semesters.


  • Applicant must be a new student who has not previously taken courses on-campus.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5 from all undergraduate institutions attended and all graduate level institutions attended.
  • Applicant must be admitted into a master’s-degree program as a full-time student (9+ paid credit hours). Part-time students, continuing students, readmitted students, non-degree seeking students, internet students, and extension center students are not eligible to apply.
  • Students must maintain good standing for eligibility. Students on academic probation, academic warning, or disciplinary probation are ineligible.
  • Students must complete the College Board PROFILE. Please refer to this page for instructions on how to submit the College Board application.
  • Students must complete the Rice-Judson Scholarship form below, which includes the relevant uploads (essay and recommendation letters).


The deadline to apply is May 1

How to Apply

  • Use this form to submit the following materials:
    • Your essay detailing your ministry and leadership experience.
    • Two letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to your ministry and leadership experience.

F-1 International Student Scholarship

All master’s-level international students with an F-1 visa stamp are eligible to apply for a scholarship of $1,600 per year ($800 per semester). Students must complete the F-1 International Student Scholarship Form by the appropriate deadline.

NOTE: You must have an F-1 visa stamp in order to apply for this scholarship. If you have a B-1 or B-2 visa, you are not eligible to apply. Students from Canada only need an approved Form I-20.


  • You must have an F-1 visa stamp in order to apply for this scholarship. If you have a B-1 or B-2 visa, you are not eligible to apply.
  • Completion of the appropriate F-1 International Student Scholarship Form by the financial aid deadline.
  • Students must be full-time (9+ paid credit hours) and must be taking courses at the Louisville campus. Online students and extension center students are not eligible to apply. Students taking both on-campus and Internet courses are eligible to apply if enrolled in a greater number of on-campus hours than online hours.
  • Students must be admitted into a degree program. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible to receive financial aid.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing for eligibility. Students on academic warning, academic probation, or disciplinary probation are not eligible to apply.


New Students: July 1 (fall entry) or January 1 (spring entry)

Continuing students: June 1

How to Apply

Additional Scholarships

Beca Reformadas

La beca Reformadas está abierta a todos los estudiantes inscritos en el Programa Hispano en línea de Southern Seminary. Los estudiantes participantes pueden recibir un máximo de $552.00 por año académico. La beca será en partes iguales en el otoño y la primavera ($276.00 por semestre = $552.00 por año).

La beca solo se puede utilizar para cubrir el costo de matriculación o el pago de clases. Si usted ya recibió esta beca en otoño, entonces no tiene que aplicar para la beca para la primavera. Los estudiantes que aplicaron y no fueron seleccionados en el otoño, pueden volver a aplicar para la primavera. La beca también será entregada por orden de solicitud.

Excellence In Biblical Counseling Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to provide tuition assistance to qualified students pursuing bachelor’s or master’s degrees in biblical counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and are divided equally between Fall and Spring semesters. Selected Boyce students may receive an award to cover between 12-15 credit hours per semester and selected Southern students may receive an award to cover between 9-12 credit hours per semester.

Garland Offutt Scholars Program

As documented in the Seminary’s 2018 “Report on Slavery and Racism in the History of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,” the Seminary recognizes the tragedy of its own institutional entanglement in the history of slavery and racism. Named in honor of the Seminary’s first African-American graduate, this scholarship is designed to redress the legacy of slavery and legal segregation in the United States and to provide tuition assistance to qualified African-American students who are pursuing theological education at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in any of the Seminary’s degree programs and Boyce College.

Hoover Scholarship – New England

Hoover Scholarship is for those who are from the New England region and is affiliated with the SBC. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and are divided equally between fall and spring semesters. Awards amount is calculated according to the family size, annual gross household income, and any ministry housing allowance.

The Mary K. Mohler Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of Mary K. Mohler, on the occasion of Dr. Albert Mohler’s 30th anniversary of the presidency of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and in recognition of her unwavering dedication to the Seminary’s mission and her sacrificial service to the students of the seminary.

The Nick Challies Memorial Scholarship

The Nick Challies Memorial Scholarship is available for Canadian students enrolled at Southern Seminary and/or Boyce College. The fund will award up to five (5) annual scholarships to qualified students. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and are divided equally between Fall and Spring semesters. All scholarships will be given on first-come, first-served basis.

Woman’s Auxiliary Scholarship

The Woman’s Auxiliary Scholarship is awarded to eligible women who are committed to a Christian vocation. All female continuing master’s-level students may apply for this $1,600 annual scholarship ($800 per semester). Applicants must complete the College Board PROFILE by April 15 and will then be interviewed by the Southern Seminary Woman’s Auxiliary group.

How to Apply – College Board PROFILE

Eligibility Requirements

  • Students must be enrolled full-time (9+ paid credit hours) in a master’s-level program at SBTS. Doctoral students are not eligible to apply for institutional scholarships.
  • Students must be taking courses at the Louisville campus. Online and extension center students are not eligible to apply.
    • Students taking both on-campus and Internet courses are eligible to apply if enrolled in a greater number of on-campus hours than online hours.
  • Students must be admitted into a degree program. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible to receive financial aid.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing for eligibility. Students on academic warning, academic probation, or disciplinary probation are not eligible to apply.

College Board PROFILE Application

  • Complete the College Board PROFILE – The Fall 2024 scholarship application is closed. Applicants should email for more information.
    • Click on the PROFILE for the academic year during which you will enroll at SBTS to begin.
    • Select “Sign Up” under “Not a Member Yet?”
    • Students must create a username and password on the College Board website in order to complete the PROFILE.
    • Applicants should expect to reference their tax return from the past two years in order to complete the application, and may be asked to provide parental financial data.
    • Click here to receive a fee payment code in order to submit the College Board PROFILE at no cost.
      • You must be accepted as a student in order to log into
      • Click on “Student Tools” tab and then “Financial Aid.”
      • Answer a few short questions regarding scholarship eligibility and then receive your personalized fee payment code.
    • Enter fee payment code and SBTS CSS code of 9856 on payment section of PROFILE.
  • Submit all supporting documents (for Rice-Judson Scholarship or Woman’s Auxiliary Scholarship) by the financial aid deadline.

*Please note: Students may receive only one institutional scholarship per academic year. Institutional scholarships may not be combined.


  • New Students entering Fall semester:
    • May 1 for Rice-Judson applicants; July 1 for General Scholarship applicants
  • New Students entering Spring semester:
    • Rice-Judson is not available in Spring; January 1 for General Scholarship applicants
  • Continuing Students – June 1 of each year
Close up of the SBTS bell tower


Contact the Office of Financial Aid

Phone: (502) 897-4206


Prospective students should contact the Office of Admissions.

Are you ready to become a pastor, counselor, or church leader who is Trusted for Truth?

Preview Day

Friday, April 11