February “Towers” addresses the burden of pornography and hope found in the gospel

Communications Staff — February 7, 2012

The February 2012 “Towers” is now available on-stands and online.

In Pilgrim’s Progress, the main character, Christian, journeys with an incredible burden of sin on his back. Today, many church leaders and Christian men and women travel through life with a massive burden of guilt from pornography use. Christian, in the allegorical story, finds relief from his burden at the cross of Jesus Christ. At the same cross today, those weighed down by the burden of pornography can say with Christian: “Must here the burden fall from off my back? / Blest cross! blest sepulcher! blest rather be / The Man that there was put to shame for me!”

That’s what this issue of “Towers” is about. Russell D. Moore contributes to the issue twice, writing about a culture of “Arousing Ourselves to Death” and giving advice to pre-marriage couples in the February Marriage, Family and Seminary column. Southern Seminary’s R. Albert Mohler Jr. and Randy Stinson also contribute to the discussion. Focusing on pornography, for some, only increases their burden of guilt. Jeremy Pierre asks “How Desperate Are You?” and offers encouragement beyond the burden of sin.

The February 2012 “Towers” features an interview with James Hamilton Jr. about his new commentary, Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches. Also included is a Southern Story about the Martin Luther King Jr. Fellowship and a History Highlight that looks at Basil Manly Sr.’s preaching about “The Duties of the Conjugal Relationship.”

Southern Seminary Resources publishes “Towers,” Southern Seminary Magazine and other seminary publications digitally as well as physically. Check out the Resources page for an improved online reading experience.

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