Boyce professor debates gender roles on British radio

Communications Staff — October 2, 2012

The controversy of gender roles in the Christian church was the subject of a recent U.K. radio debate between Owen Strachan and Rachel Held Evans. Strachan is assistant professor of Christian theology and church history at Boyce College; Evans is a Christian author and blogger.

The debate, broadcast on U.K. radio show Unbelievable, centered around comments Evans recently made toward bloggers Jared Wilson and Doug Wilson that highlighted discussions between egalitarianism and complentarianism. Egalitarians teach that men and women are equal and can occupy the same roles in the home and church, but complentarians contend that men and women are equal but serve different roles in those areas.

Strachan took the position of complentarianism while Evans argued for the egalitarianism position. Adrian Warnock, a writer and pastor in London, moderated the discussion, which is available for listening here.

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