February “Towers” previews spring semester

Communications Staff — February 4, 2013

The February “Towers” is now on stands and online.

GPS navigation systems — they’re a little 2003, I know — gained popularity for good reason: among all the possible destinations around you, it’s easy either to get lost or miss something important — an exit ramp, for example. Then these little machines came along and kept us on our routes and (hopefully) prevented our missing those sneaky exits.

You can think of this first “Towers” of the new semester as your GPS, helping you navigate all the activities and happenings at Southern Seminary this spring. Inside you’ll find everything from cheeseburger recommendations to missions trip opportunities to lecture schedules. Later in this issue, we take a look at a student reaching out to the community of Newtown, Conn.

Also, we offer an interview with Southern Seminary professor Bruce A. Ware about his new book, The Man Christ Jesus; Boyce College remembers Shelby-Tyler Smith, a student who died last December; and the February Southern Story column features Jeff Walters, one of the seminary’s newest faculty members.

Southern Seminary Resources publishes “Towers,” Southern Seminary Magazine and other seminary publications digitally as well as physically. Check out the Resources page for an improved online reading experience.

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