“Gaga” about the Grammys: Burk comments about pop-music theology

Communications Staff — February 15, 2011

As he confessed in his blog post, “Grammy Malaise,” Denny Burk, dean of Boyce College and associate professor of New Testament, watched the Grammys. In the article, Burk offers reflection about the award show as a whole as well as pop-music culture in general. He focuses specifically upon Lady Gaga and her new song, “Born This Way,” which she performed at the Grammys.

The song, Burk notes, makes a “theological point,” namely that sexual orientation is innate in human beings from birth and therefore should be embraced. He writes:

The message of the song drinks deeply of the “is-ought” fallacy—the idea that we can determine what ought to be by observing what is. The song’s message also flies in the face of the Bible’s depiction of a fallen creation. It is true that God created human beings in His own image and that as a result every single human has intrinsic value and worth (Genesis 1:26-27). It is not true, however, that God endorses every thought and intention of the human heart. We live in a Genesis 3 world in which humanity and the cosmos are fallen and compromised by sin.

Readers can find the entire post at Burk’s blog, www.dennyburk.com

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