Eric Abbey headshot

Intern with Purpose:  How You Can Help Revitalize New England

Travis Hearne — September 16, 2024

Eric Abbey lived in Louisville, KY, and attended The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from May 2008 to July 2011.  A native of the New England area, he knew it was more confirmed in his region than anywhere else in America—that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

“I desired to get my MDiv. at Southern Seminary and return to New England to promote the gospel as a shepherd for God’s people,” Abbey said.

There were just a couple problems. Abbey admitted he and his wife did not have a healthy enough marriage to tirelessly labor at church planting. He also had no blueprint for planting and didn’t know where to begin in gaining the confidence necessary to endure ministering in such a challenging context.

The New England Training and Sending Center for Church Planting and Revitalization (NETS) stepped in. NETS is an organization that trains and sends leaders to plant and revitalize churches in parts of the world that lack a firm gospel presence.

Abbey jumped at the opportunity to partner with NETS in 2011 and participated in a residency internship in New England. He wanted the hands-on experience and believed NETS could best equip him to face the unique challenges of church planting in New England.

“I moved from Louisville to work with NETS in August of 2011, and I have been here ever since,” Abbey said. “My time in the residency enabled me to effectively apply the theology I learned at Southern Seminary to the rest of life. My marriage improved immediately, and we were given much help as we learned to parent our young children.”

Along with community support and mentoring, Abbey also had the chance to sharpen his preaching and pastoral tools through the internship.

“I was given opportunities to exegete texts and preach,” Abbey said. “I received much-needed feedback about my sermons and have been able to grow as a preacher in my delivery and content.  I also better understood biblical conversion, pastoral counseling, and what it takes to be a leader. My leadership became more responsible, more courageous, more steady, more wise, and more biblical.”

Abbey currently serves as Associate Pastor at Christ Memorial Church in Williston, VT. The church has been home to NETS since it began in 2000. He also works for NETS as the recruiting director and a lead mentor for residents in the program. 

He was just formally called by Christ Memorial Church to be the pastor of a church plant that will launch in Burlington, VT, in the fall of 2025.

Though he has planned to pastor at a church plant from his seminary days, Abbey credits his MDiv. from Southern Seminary and the residency with NETS for providing him with the training he needed to fulfill God’s calling.

“The pathway to effectively planting a church was unknown to me before NETS,” Abbey said. “NETS has given me a blueprint to follow with a proven track record of effectiveness. They also provide a network of pastors and support that gives me confidence. I know that NETS and Southern Seminary will be with me for the life of my church, providing whatever support and help I need as we seek to get the church off the ground.”

Abbey is encouraged by the work God is doing in New England through the established ministries and ministries God is raising up. Abbey is optimistic that the region is primed for revitalization.

“My time and ministry here have helped me see small pockets of gospel faithfulness that could erupt in revival,” Abbey said. “I’m optimistic that our church will continue to flourish. The gospel is the power of God for salvation. As long as we remain focused on preaching Christ crucified, we can trust that he will be at work.  With this conviction and the faithful support of NETS, I am confident that this forthcoming church plant will succeed to God’s glory.”

The path to revitalization is visible, but the workers are still few. Abbey encourages men to understand the pressing need for gospel workers in New England and to commit their lives and families to labor on behalf of the New England people.

“We need good gospel-infused men who have been born again by God’s grace and are burdened to preach Christ. Come to New England and lay down your life for the sake of Christ’s church.  We must eliminate gospel ignorance among the New England states. Christ is committed to the church and will make good on his promise to build it.”

Representatives from NETS will also be on the Southern Seminary campus the week of September 23 to answer any questions and help you learn more about how you can revitalize New England.

Also, visit for more information on the residency program and the mission of NETS.

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