Why can’t we all just get along? These words come to mind when considering the theme for the Jan. 3 “Towers.” Titled “Divisive Doctrine,” the issue provides readers with content concerning how to wisely navigate the potentially treacherous areas of Scripture’s more controversial teachings. The SBTS Resources page provides the PDF.
Pieces in the latest “Towers” include:
- My interview with author and professor John Frame in which he discusses his new book, The Doctrine of the Word of God (P&R, 2010), and other matters of the Bible, theology and apologetics (pages 8 and 9). In the issue, I also offer a brief review of Frame’s book (page 10);
- Aaron revisits SBTS President R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s theological triage (page 3);
- Hershael W. York, Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching at SBTS, weighs in on mistakes pastors should avoid in communicating truth to their congregations (page 5);
- Aaron looks at the DVD teaching series, “Four Views of the End Times,” which features the lectures of Southern Seminary’s Timothy Paul Jones, associate professor of leadership and church ministry and editor of The Journal of Family Ministry (page 4);
- Russell D. Moore, professor of Christian theology and ethics at Southern, spoke to University of Louisville students about an evangelical Christian perspective on the environment, responding to the question, “Is God green?” (page 7) Moore also serves as the dean of the School of Theology and senior vice president for academic administration at Southern Seminary;
- “Towers” contributor Courtney Reissig offers a “Southern Story” about Mary Kassian, distinguished professor of women’s studies at SBTS (page 13); and
- The back page has “Three Questions” with Mike Cosper, worship and arts pastor for Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, Ky. (page 16)