MEDIA ADVISORY: Albert Mohler, Cal Thomas to discuss ‘God and Politics’ April 25 at Southern Seminary

Communications Staff — April 21, 2016

Dr. Mohler Headshot-4 lowerLOUISVILLE, Ky. (SBTS) — In a public forum at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary April 25, SBTS President R. Albert Mohler Jr. and political journalist Cal Thomas will discuss the intersection of religion and politics. The free event will be held on Monday, April 25, at 7 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Chapel.

Describing Thomas as “one of the most respected journalists in America,” Mohler said the conversation will focus on current issues in American politics and voting. He said the idea for the event was sparked after Thomas called him about an episode of Mohler’s “The Briefing,” which is a daily podcast examining news and current events from a Christian worldview.

“I guarantee you that it will be a very lively conversation,” Mohler said in announcing the event during an April 19 chapel service. “Cal Thomas is a very gracious man, a very thoughtful man; he is a deeply Christian man.”

hd1-Cal-Thomas-2015-cA veteran columnist and radio commentator, Thomas has written 10 books on faith and politics, including Blinded By Might and What Works: Commonsense Solutions to the Nation’s Problems.

The ninth president of Southern Seminary, Mohler is a widely sought commentator on evangelical convictions on theology, politics, and cultural issues. In addition to his daily podcast “The Briefing,” Mohler has authored numerous essays and books, including most recently We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong.

For more information on this event, contact media relations director Colby Adams at (502) 897-4000 or


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