“How can this not make a believer’s heart happy?” President R. Albert Mohler, Jr., asked as he opened the 234th Commencement of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Alumni Chapel was filled on Friday, December 13, 2024, with joyful anticipation as 296 graduates from 37 states and 26 countries gathered with their families, friends, and professors. More than a ceremony, the event was a commissioning, sending these ministers of the gospel into a world longing for the hope of Christ.
Southern Seminary marked this milestone in the lives of the graduates with worship, celebration, and gratitude for God’s faithfulness. Reflecting on the significance of the day, Mohler said, “While today marks the completion of studies, it also celebrates the beginning of ministries and callings that will serve the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ for generations to come.”
In his commencement address, Mohler preached from Matthew 1:18–25, expounding on the angel’s words to Joseph: “For He will save His people from their sins.” He emphasized that this passage captures the heart of the gospel. “This is not merely a messianic expectation but a messianic promise,” Mohler declared. “Salvation has come because God is with His people.” He urged the graduates to proclaim this truth with conviction: “His name declares it—the Lord saves.”
Building on this foundation, Mohler outlined the key truths that define Christian ministry. “The Christian ministry exists because of the incarnation,” he said, explaining that Christ’s obedience to the Father, from the manger to the cross, makes ministry possible. He reminded graduates that their work is anchored in the Word of God: “We only know these things because the Holy Scriptures exist. The Christian ministry exists only by the Word of God.” Urging them to focus their preaching and teaching on Jesus, Mohler charged, “Speak constantly of Jesus—of the one who went to the cross as our substitute, whom the Father raised from the dead, and who will return as King.”
The service celebrated the faithfulness of God in raising up new ministers and missionaries equipped to serve. Addressing the graduates, Mohler said, “Your ministry is the stewardship of the Word. It is the fulfillment of the work of the ministry on behalf of the church. And how can that not make us very happy?”
Faculty members looked on with joy as the fruits of their teaching and mentoring were displayed in the lives of the graduates. Over the course of their studies, these men and women were equipped with theological rigor and practical ministry skills, enabling them to fulfill the Graduation Pledge: “We are unashamed of the gospel, determined to serve wherever God may call us, knowing that by the power of the resurrected Christ, our labor is not in vain.”
In his closing charge, Mohler reminded the graduates of the unshakable truth that defines their ministry: God is with them. Drawing from the beginning and end of the Gospel of Matthew, he emphasized the abiding presence of Christ. “You will never be outside His presence,” Mohler said, grounding the graduates’ mission in the authority of the risen Christ and the call to make disciples of all nations.
As the graduates begin their ministries, Southern Seminary’s commencement serves as a reminder of God’s unchanging faithfulness to His church. This day of celebration marks not just the end of their studies but the beginning of their lifelong service to the gospel of Jesus Christ.