Mohler to discuss Trump and evangelicals on ‘CNN Tonight’

Communications Staff — October 11, 2016

Dr. Mohler Headshot-4 lowerLOUISVILLE, Ky. (SBTS) — R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is scheduled to appear on “CNN Tonight” at 11:15 p.m. ET Tuesday to discuss Donald Trump and the evangelical response to the 2005 video released last week of Trump’s sexually aggressive boasting.

On Sunday, Oct. 9, Mohler wrote a column for the Washington Post in which he called on evangelical leaders to distance themselves from the GOP presidential nominee following the release of a video tape of Trump making lewd comments.

“Trump’s horrifying statements, heard in his own proud voice, revealed an objectification of women and a sexual predation that must make continued support for Trump impossible for any evangelical leader,” Mohler wrote. He further urged evangelical leaders to “not allow a national disgrace to become the Great Evangelical Embarrassment.”

Mohler will discuss the issue with host Don Lemon and Charmaine Yoest, senior fellow for American Values.. This will mark the first time Mohler has weighed in on the 2016 general election on national television, although he has addressed the topic on his daily podcast, “The Briefing”, and in interviews with other media outlets.

As with all live television, the appearance is subject to change for breaking news.

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