Mohler discusses homosexuality in WSJ opinion piece

Communications Staff — July 1, 2011

In the July 1 edition of The Wall Street Journal, R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary, offers commentary related to the moral revolution of homosexuality. Make no mistake, Mohler says, a moral revolution has taken place. One does not need to take a poll to learn this. Rather, “all we need to do is to talk to our neighbors or listen to the cultural chatter.” He explains further:

In less than a single generation, homosexuality has gone from something almost universally understood to be sinful, to something now declared to be the moral equivalent of heterosexuality – and deserving of both legal protection and public encouragement. Theo Hobson, a British theologian, has argued that this is not just the waning of a taboo. Instead, it is a moral inversion that has left those holding the old morality now accused of nothing less than “moral deficiency.”

Because of biblical authority, Mohler contends that the church cannot compromise concerning this issue despite the cultural pressure. Further, in upholding an understanding of and vision for marriage faithful to the Scriptures, evangelical Christians must not defend the sanctity of marriage as if they are free from sin. Mohler writes:

In this most awkward cultural predicament, evangelicals must be excruciatingly clear that we do not speak about the sinfulness of homosexuality as if we have no sin. As a matter of fact, it is precisely because we have come to know ourselves as sinners and of our need for a savior that we have come to faith in Jesus Christ. Our greatest fear is not that homosexuality will be normalized and accepted, but that homosexuals will not come to know of their own need for Christ and the forgiveness of their sins.

Mohler ends the article by emphasizing that – like all sins – homosexuality is a Gospel issue, meaning that homosexuality – like all sins – can be forgiven through the blood of Christ. Christians are the ones who recognize that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is “the only remedy for sin,” starting with their own sins.

The Wall Street Journal Web site carries Mohler’s article, “Evangelicals and the Gay Moral Revolution,” in its entirety.

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