Moore addresses ARTs in USA Today article

Communications Staff — December 12, 2012

In a USA TODAY article posted Dec. 9, Russell D. Moore offers comments about the use of artificial reproductive technologies, particularly by same-sex couples. USA TODAY religion reporter Cathy Lynn Gorssman writes about the complexity of current parenthood questions, suggesting that terms like “father” and “mother” may soon take multiple new meanings.

Moore, who is dean of the School of Theology and senior vice president for academic administration at Southern Seminary, “strongly opposes artificial reproductive technologies and same-sex couples’ reliance on them to create families,” writes Grossman. Moore says:

Treatments that seek to correct the causes of infertility are praiseworthy, but once science and technology re-engineer the meaning of procreation itself, it’s gone too far. I’m concerned about the confusion and lack of well-being of a child, who from the beginning, has no father or no mother.

The full article, “Who’s Mom? Legally, biologically, it’s no easy answer,” is available at the USA TODAY website.

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