New Graham School blog challenges churches with the Great Commission

Communications Staff — October 17, 2007

The Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Missions and Church Growth at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has a new blog designed to challenge churches to reach unbelievers.

Biblical Church Growth is home to the blog of Chuck Lawless, dean of the Billy Graham School. In his inaugural post, Lawless called himself a reluctant blogger.

“I said I would never take on this task,” he writes. “Writing a blog takes time that I don’t have. It opens the door to controversy. It demands a willingness to respond to difficult issues. Given the incredible pace at which technology changes, blogs may soon be outdated. I said I wouldn’t do it, but now I am.

“Why? It’s really quite simple. The Lord has so burdened me over the Great Commission that at times I cannot sleep—and I trust this blog will be one means to encourage believers to take the gospel into their homes, to their neighbors, to North America, and the world.”

Lawless said he hopes to help evangelicals in general and Southern Baptist in particular to refocus their attention on the Great Commission while planting their feet firmly upon an inerrant and authoritative Bible.

“I want to address positively pertinent issues related to missions, evangelism and church growth, with the goal of challenging all of us to reach non-believers and make disciples of Christ,” he said.

The blog will provide resources for pastors and will include an e-mail newsletter that the Graham School has previously offered for church leaders. Lawless plans to post at least once a week and hopes to update the blog each Monday.

“The task of the Great Commission is hard work,” Lawless said. “My prayer is that God will use this site to encourage church leaders to accept the challenge of Matthew 28:18-20.”

The site can be accessed at or

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