Southern Seminary encouraged students, faculty, and staff to get involved in missions both locally and globally during the school’s Great Commission Week April 12–14. Southern filled the week, themed “Send …
The natural law is an essential pillar in a Christian ethic that hopes to be faithful to the gospel in its public witness.
What made it impossible for him to sin was not his divine nature as an acting agent, but the fact that he is the Son, in relation to the Father and Spirit, and as the Son, he speaks, acts, and chooses, gladly and willingly, to obey his Father in all things.
A pastor's job is not to dismiss personal experience, but rather to help people see it differently - specifically, to see it according to who God is and the chief purpose of his design for human life.
Important ground on our culture’s understanding of human nature has been lost in the last decade, Ryan T. Anderson told the Southern Seminary community during the annual Gheens Lectures March …
For Vladyslav “Vlad” Hruntkovskyi, a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary student from Ukraine, the country’s current crisis is having a huge impact both on his family and his own personal ministry …
Alienation from family and friends is a real threat to those who leave Islam, scholar David Bertaina said at the Jenkins Center’s academic lectures held February 11–12. Bertaina equipped the …
Southern Baptists are facing numerous challenges that must be met by faithful leadership and an unyielding commitment to confessional and biblical fidelity, Jason Allen told Southern Seminary students Thursday morning …
Union with Christ is central to the doctrine of salvation, theologian Fred Sanders told the Southern Seminary community at this year’s Norton Lectures Series, held February 9-10 in Heritage Hall. …
Studying theology at the deepest level is not an end to itself but is ultimately a means to the learner’s holiness, Southern Seminary President Albert Mohler told students and faculty …
If you’re a skeptical reader of Scripture, be honest about your questions. Pray about the concern, study the text carefully, and pose questions to a trusted source.
For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:
Caleb Shaw Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff (502) 897-4121