
Focus on making disciples, not promoting programs, Platt says at SBTS Great Commission Lectures

To advance the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission, church leaders must focus on making disciples, not advancing programs or tallying statistics, said David Platt during the first ever Great

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God’s love inexhaustible, Vines says in chapel

Despite its simplicity, John 3:16 tells about a love that is more profound than anyone on earth will ever understand, Jerry Vines said in chapel Aug. 26 at The Southern

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Convocation marks start of “year of living dangerously,” Mohler tells students

As students gather for a new semester of classes with top-notch faculty in nice facilities, they may have a sense of safety and comfort at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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SBTS alum turns 100

Hugh Busey has experienced more longevity in ministry since his retirement than many ministers experience their whole lives. Busey, a 1938 graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, was forced

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SBTS alum, former dean edit book on Broadus

SBTS alum, former dean edit book on Broadus—The life and legacy of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s second president shows Southern Baptists an example of biblical faithfulness and careful thinking,

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New SBJT encourages study of the early church

Should historical amnesia be an option for the average Christian? Knowing church history, particularly as it relates to the early years of Christianity and the theological issues which faced leaders

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Coppenger named Boyce basketball coach

Boyce College has hired Jedidiah Coppenger as its new men’s basketball coach. Coppenger, a first-year doctor of philosophy student at Southern Seminary, was a four-year starter during his own college

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Boyce student uses artwork to promote adoption

Many children are known for their drawing prowess. Nearly all parents could recall a time when they discovered a mural constructed by their child with red, yellow and blue crayon

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Robust Christian worldview needed to confront New Atheism, argues new book by Mohler

There is a new atheism afoot in the marketplace of ideas, and it presents a far more potent challenge to the Christian worldview than the atheism of former times, R.

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SBTS’ oldest living alumnus marks 100 years of life and eight decades of faithful ministry

MT. JULIET, Tenn.—In 1932, the Great Depression forced W.L. Baker to cast his seminary education entirely on the mercy of A.T. Robertson. Then a 24-year-old budding minister, Baker found grace

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Southern Seminary – FamilyLife partnership already bearing fruit

A partnership forged last fall between The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and FamilyLife Ministries is already helping the School of Leadership and Church Ministry to tailor its curriculum to better

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P. H. Bufkin, longtime SBTS treasurer, dies

P.H. Bufkin Jr., longtime treasurer at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, died July 18 at the age of 99. Bufkin came to the seminary in 1948 after working for an

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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