
Dobson says he might endorse McCain; he and Mohler express concern about Obama

Focus on the Family’s James Dobson said on his July 21 radio broadcast he is rethinking his previous views on the presidential election and that he “might” endorse Republican John

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York cautions against federal funds for religious organizations on NPR

Although there is nothing immoral about receiving federal funds for social programs, religious organizations should consider carefully whether receiving such funds will compromise their theological identities, Hershael York said on

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SBTS plays host to historic course on ethnodoxology

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary held its first ever graduate-level course on “ethnodoxology” last month. A collaborative team from the International Council of Ethnodoxologists (ICE) developed and taught the historic

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Former SBTS professor John Dever dies

John Dever, former William Walker Brookes Professor of Church and Society at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, died of a heart attack July 4 at the age of 72. Dever

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Criswell College professor Denny Burk appointed dean of Boyce College

R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, on Monday announced the appointment of Criswell College professor Denny Burk, an SBTS alumnus, as dean of Boyce College,

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Equipping the persecuted, reaching the lost: Southern students minister in South Asia

Equipping the persecuted, reaching the lost: Southern The nationals thronged around the Americans as they walked the streets. Others hung out of windows or pushed to the edge of rooftops

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SBTS grad ministers in wake of Iowa floods

For one Southern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate, recent flooding in the Midwest proved that a steady diet of biblical truth is the best medicine for hurting people. “I told the

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SBTS author invites women to Pull Up a Chair and study the Gospel of John

Women have a natural desire to chat and fellowship, and now they can channel that desire to study the biblical book of John, according to a new book by Lorie

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SBTS mourning death of student

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is mourning the loss of student Alan Rivers, who was killed Thursday morning in a motorcycle crash in Indianapolis, Ind. Rivers, 52, a resident of

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Scroggins called to First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach

The First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach, Fla., voted to call Jimmy Scroggins, dean of Boyce College, as its senior pastor earlier this month. Scroggins has served as dean

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“The Albert Mohler Program” live greeted with enthusiastic turnout at SBC

Fans of the “Albert Mohler Program” had the opportunity to see as well as hear the radio show during the 2008 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. The nationally

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Mohler: As its 150th anniversary approaches, SBTS exists to defend the Christian faith

As The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary approaches its 150th year of existence, its goal continues to be passing on the faith once for all delivered to the saints in service

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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