
SBTS preparing to celebrate 150th anniversary

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will celebrate its 150th anniversary with an array of events, opportunities for learning and updates for the seminary’s historic Louisville campus. During its annual spring

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Pope’s convictions show Catholic-Protestant divide, Mohler says

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Pope Benedict XVI should be admired for his level of conviction but not for the particulars of his theological views, R. Albert Mohler Jr. wrote April 15 in an

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Songwriter, author Card speaks on biblical nature of lament at SBTS

Confidence in the steadfast love of God enables Christians to worship amid suffering through lament that turns to praise, noted Christian music artist Michael Card during lectures at The Southern

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Student art organization relates theology to creativity

Beginning this semester approximately 25 students are gathering once a month at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to relate Christian theology to artistic expressions of various forms. The group, known

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SBTS students get sneak preview of “Expelled” documentary

Some 200 students at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary got a taste of what life is like in institutions where the notion of a Creator is openly scorned Tuesday during

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Major General Carver speaks at SBTS

Major General Douglas Carver, Chief of Chaplains for the United States Army, challenged students to faithfully pray for America’s service members and passionately serve the Lord in all circumstances at

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All of Scripture is about Jesus, Goldsworthy says in lecture series at SBTS

The single, central message of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is God’s unfolding plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, biblical theologian and author Graeme Goldsworthy told students during a

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Mohler tumor clear of cancer

R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Monday received good news from the results of his recent surgery: a tumor removed last week from his colon

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God cares about what you eat, Kotter says at women’s event

Only when Christians think of meals as opportunities for either sin or obedience can they eat for the glory of God, David Kotter said Feb. 26 at a Pendergraph Women’s

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Prayer is essential to fulfill the Great Commission, Page says at prayer conference

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Erickson draws parallels between theology and the disciplines of history, physics and economics

History, physics and economics allow people to clearly examine theological truths, just as reading glasses enable one to explore Scripture said Millard Erickson during the annual Gheens Lectures at The

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Biblical spirituality centers on God, new book by SBTS professor asserts

Contemporary culture is awash in spirituality, but there is a vast difference between what it asserts and how the Bible describes Christian spirituality, noted historian Michael Haykin asserts in a

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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