
FBC Dallas pastor to nominate Mohler for SBC presidency

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. provides “the kind of visionary leader Southern Baptists need to communicate a missional conservatism and biblical clarity to the world,” stated

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The Bible is a book for all people, Mohler tells NewsHour audience

The Bible is a book for all people because it alone contains the message of salvation through Jesus Christ, R. Albert Mohler Jr. told viewers of the PBS television program

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Two father-son duos graduate from SBTS

Two fathers experienced something exceedingly rare Friday morning at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: they completed seminary with their sons. Tom Elliff and his son Jon each received doctor of

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SBTS holds 200th commencement, sets fall graduate record

The Old Testament prophet Samuel provides ministers with an expert model for ministry because he was an instrument that God used to bring the light of truth to a dark

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‘The Golden Compass’ is a blatant attack on Christianity, Mohler says

‘The movie “The Golden Compass,” set for release this weekend, is a direct attack against Christianity that concerned Christians must meet with biblical truth and see as an opportunity to

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The new media is an opportunity for the Gospel Mohler tells Christian blogger conference

The current generation of young people in America is information-saturated and technologically savvy, but is also largely unevangelized, presenting Christians with a stewardship to proclaim the Gospel through new media

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Rainer urges forgiveness in SBTS chapel

Failure to forgive others may destroy churches and break a Christian’s fellowship with God, Thom Rainer said in chapel Nov. 8 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Rainer, president of

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Church health about distinctness from — not relevance to — the world, Dever says at SBTS

The health of local churches depends not on being relevant to the world and viewing success in terms of numbers, but on reflecting the character of God and upholding His

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Abel preached “the only sermon that has never been preached,” Michael Youssef tells SBTS audience

By offering a sacrifice that was pleasing to the Lord, Abel gave the greatest sermon that was never preached, noted pastor and author Michael Youssef said during a chapel service

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Fall SBJT studies significance of Paul’s epistle to the Romans

Like a trumpet in a symphony orchestra, the book of Romans stands out among the annals of God’s inspired words in Scripture, Stephen Wellum wrote in the Fall 2007 Southern

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SBTS lectures feature renowned philosopher Alvin Plantinga

Science and religion should not be incompatible, but the two are often at odds because science falsely demands a purely naturalistic universe, renowned Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga told students at

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SBTS student tells local TV viewers of God’s faithfulness in wake of encounter with tree

Sean Gould usually returned home from work a certain way, but last Thursday evening, as a system of violent thunderstorms rolled through Louisville, he followed a different route, one that

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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