
York to debate casino gambling on KET’s Kentucky Tonight

Hershael York, professor of Christian Preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and pastor of Buck Run Baptist Church in Frankfort, is scheduled to appear this evening on KET’s Kentucky

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New SBJT defends classical view of atonement from contemporary attacks

The cross of Christ has been under attack since the day Jesus hung between two thieves on a hill outside Jerusalem, but there is a surprising new category of opponents

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SBTS adds noted author, alumnus to Lead School faculty

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has taken another step toward building a family ministry focus in the field of Christian education with the recent hiring of Timothy Jones as assistant

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Mohler says Mormonism stands outside historic Christianity in opening post of online debate

Mormonism is not Christianity, R. Albert Mohler Jr. argues in an online debate with a prominent Mormon author. Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, made his first in

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Mohler receives Criswell College award

SAN ANTONIO—R. Albert Mohler Jr. is a leader who is “engaging the culture with the truth claims of the Christian Gospel,” Criswell College President Jerry Johnson said as he presented

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Some evangelical arguments on global warming are theologically problematic, Moore tells U.S. Senate committee

WASHINGTON (BP)–Southern Baptists and other conservative evangelicals support environmental protection but do not believe the Bible provides a “blueprint” for government policies on global warming, members of the U.S. Senate

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York joins other prominent preachers at Cambridge event

Hershael York, a professor of preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, was one of the featured speakers at the Third Quinquennial International Congress on Preaching (ICOP), April 17-19 in

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Mohler to SBC: Southern committed to theological fidelity of professors

SAN ANTONIO—The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary gladly uses the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 as a guide in hiring professors but holds professors to standards that go beyond the BF&M

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Southern honors two institutional presidents at SBC luncheon

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary honored the presidents of two Baptist institutions as Distinguished Alumni, June 13, during the seminary’s luncheon at the 2007 Southern Baptist

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God uses pain to teach us, Mohler says at SBC Pastor’s Conference

SAN ANTONIO, Texas–Pain has a purpose, serving as a teacher and indicator of deeper issues needing to be addressed, R. Albert Mohler Jr. said June 11 during a testimony at

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New SBJT examines creation and origins

The doctrine of creation is the foundation for biblical Christianity. However, in contemporary culture critics of creation abound and they seek to undermine this key doctrine and knock the pillars

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SBTS establishes center for study of Baptist history and thought

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is the home of a new center that will promote the study of Baptist history and doctrine. The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies will

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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