The alleged discovery by archaeologists and genetic scientists of the “lost tomb of Jesus” is nothing more than a made-for-television hoax that will not undermine the Christian faith, R. Albert …
Though the Christian church has evidenced shortcomings in every era of its history, Christians have done much more good than harm in Western society, R. Albert Mohler Jr. said Feb. …
When Robert Plummer started dating his future wife, the couple made what may seem like a radical commitment: they would not kiss each other on the lips prior to marriage. …
LOUSIVILLE, Ky.—More than 700 college students gathered at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary February 9-10 to wrestle with the question “Does God Care About Sex?” at the school’s annual Give …
Embryonic stem cell research is fundamentally wrong because it destroys human beings who deserve moral respect, Princeton University professor Robert P. George said Feb. 8 in the Norton Lectures at …
LOUISVILLE, Ky.—In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told His hearers that a person must be perfect if he or she is to gain entrance into the kingdom of God. …
Reflection on how people become a part of God’s family and God’s command to care for orphans reveals the value and importance of adoption, Randy Stinson said Jan. 30 at …
Many Christian men do not know how to exercise biblical leadership in their homes and in practice deny the Scripture’s demands that call men to lead, protect and provide for …
Drawing on lessons learned from his recent stay in intensive care following abdominal surgery, R. Albert Mohler Jr. told students and faculty at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s spring convocation …
Without the truthfulness of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, there is no Christianity and no salvation for sinners, R. Albert Mohler Jr. told students and faculty …
LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Is the doctrine of baptism a minor theological issue that matters little in the greater scheme of biblical teaching? Adoniram and Ann Judson, famed Baptist missionaries, did not view …
For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:
Caleb Shaw Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff (502) 897-4121