
Leadership and humility synonymous in Scripture, Mahaney tells SBTS audience

Church leaders must exhibit Christ-like humility, have a cross-centered perspective and surround themselves with gifted men to lead biblically, C.J. Mahaney said Oct. 25 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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‘Headship of Christ under assault’ MacArthur says at SBTS

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Jackson teaches congregation to “walk by faith and not by sight”

What have you done in the last 20 years that can only be explained by the power of God? That’s the question Rob Jackson asked the Central Baptist Church in

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New video series from Southern Seminary seeks to equip minister’s wives

A new video and audio teaching series produced by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary aims at equipping the wives of ministers. The series, entitled “Christian Essentials: For Ministry Wives,” is

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Southern Seminary celebrates its annual Heritage Week

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary celebrated its historic past and looked to the future during the school’s annual Heritage Week celebration Oct. 9-13. To mark the annual event, Southern held

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New dean communicates family-centered vision for SBTS leadership school to trustees

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—The School of Leadership and Church Ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will take a new approach to equipping students for local church ministry, but it will be

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SBTS alum leads crusade in Louisville-area town

For three years David Moerschel anticipated a citywide crusade in Taylorsville, Ky. But he anticipated neither how widespread nor how deep the impact from the crusade would be. As a

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SBTS student displays heart of Paul for his native people

Charles Juma knows Kenya. He is familiar with the country’s culture, social mores and quirks, and identifies with what Kenyan people experience daily. A native of this African nation, Juma

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The Lord’s Day must be devoted to worship, Mohler says in Ten Commandments series

Christians have a biblical mandate to devote the Lord’s Day to gathering with other believers in worship, said R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sept. 21, in a chapel address on

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SBTS prof. serves as consultant for Cincinnati-area creation museum

In Kurt Wise’s office at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary you can find fossils that secular scientists claim are billions of years old and represent one stage in the long

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SBTS student encourages Belize believers to engage cults with the Gospel

One stark memory John Divito has of his recent trip to Belize was of the buses that frequently rumbled past the home where he was staying. The buses were not

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Ten Commandments still relevant for believers, Mohler says to begin sermon series

The Ten Commandments are still relevant for Christians today, but many evangelicals who fervently argue that they should be posted in public places do not know them, R. Albert Mohler

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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