
Mohler calls Christians to be on high alert in war for hearts and minds

Christians are not called to a life of self-absorbed ease, but to one of militant spiritual warfare in which they deploy the Gospel as a weapon to overthrow the false

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Seminary faculty and trustees adopt proclamation on open theism

Members of both the board of trustees and the faculty at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary unanimously adopted a resolution affirming “God’s exhaustive definite foreknowledge” and condemning open theism as

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Trustees approve master plan to meet seminary growth

To accommodate continuing growth at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the school’s board of trustees Tuesday approved a revised master plan that will add classrooms and parking spaces within the

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Conference focuses on vision for youth ministry

More than 250 youth workers attended a day of intensive youth ministry training Sept. 20 at the fifth annual Vision Conference at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The conference featured 26

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Hemphill exhorts seminarians to kingdom-focused prayer

God-honoring prayer is not about merely informing the Lord of our need but is about enjoying God and committing to the expansion of His kingdom, Ken Hemphill said Oct. 2

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Forum presents varied Christian views of church-state relations

How high a wall should separate church and state? Four panelists attempted to provide a Christian answer to this vital contemporary question in a Sept. 18 symposium at The Southern

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Mohler: Church must remain supreme concern in church and state discussion

Baptists must relate issues of church and state by understanding the supremacy of a believer’s church over all other concerns, R. Albert Mohler said during a Sept. 18 symposium at

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Gospel receptivity among unchurched surprisingly high, new book says

Eighty-two percent of unchurched people in North America (more than 130 million) are at least “somewhat likely” to attend church it they are invited, according to a new book by

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SBTS publishes new Gospel tract

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has published a new witnessing tract that gives full and robust treatment to the Gospel of God’s grace. Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. unveiled

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Commentary: Song of Songs celebrates husband-wife intimacy

The Old Testament book Song of Songs celebrates the joys of physical love between a husband and wife, Daniel L. Akin argues in a new commentary. Akin is co-author of

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Ministers must order their ways before the Lord, Johnson says

Building godly character is an essential part of a minister’s college education, said Boyce College Dean Jerry Johnson. Preaching at the Boyce’s opening chapel for the fall semester, Johnson told

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Pool on sick leave as problems repaired

If there was a disabled list for swimming pools, the main pool of Southern Seminary’s Health and Recreation Center would be on it. Since mid-July, numerous mechanical problems have afflicted

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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