
Southern Seminary announces three new online doctoral concentrations, including Applied Theology

Continuing a long tradition of innovation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has announced three new online doctoral concentrations leading to the Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Educational Ministry degrees.

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Southern Seminary opens food pantry to support students during pandemic

“My husband and I both lost our jobs due to the pandemic and financial support from back home has also slowed down. While we are thankful for the support from

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Mohler releases new book on secularism, culture, and the Church

Over the last 100 years, a cultural, moral, and political shift has taken place in Western society that has led to broad devaluing and rejection of Christian truth claims, both

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“In these graduates, we are seeing the word of the Lord speeding ahead,” says Mohler at Southern Seminary’s 225th commencement

Graduates of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “see the word of the Lord speed ahead of them,” said R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, at

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Baise, Flatt to serve as co-directors of Augustine Honors Collegium at Boyce College

The Augustine Honors Collegium at Boyce College will be co-directed by Bryan Baise and Tyler Flatt, announced R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Augustine

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Seminary Wives Institute prepares for fall 2020

For the first time in its 23 year history, classes went online for Seminary Wives Institute (SWI) in March, as residential students quickly adapted to the new format and distance

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The gospel grounds and shapes all of the pastor’s life and work, remind evangelical pastors at T4G

The centrality of the gospel to the Christian life is a mark of evangelical Christian belief. It is all but a truism that evangelicals are gospel people. But, the gospel

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Trustees of SBTS affirm strategic plan, pledging continued faithfulness in the midst of COVID-19 crisis.

Meeting for the first time by digital technology, the Board of Trustees of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary held its annual Spring meeting on April 20 against the background of

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New Seminary Track programs added to Boyce College curriculum

Boyce College will be adding two new Seminary Track programs to its academic offerings. The two new programs will be a bachelor of arts in Business Administration with a master

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Boyce College expands online options for high schoolers in light of COVID-19

Boyce College is providing additional online curriculum to support high school students who are no longer receiving classroom instruction due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, announced Dustin Bruce, Dean of Boyce

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At Mullins Lectures, Kuruvilla calls preachers to apply the Word of God rightly

To apply the Bible rightly to a modern Christian audience, a preacher must do two things, argued Abraham Kuruvilla during the 2020 E. Y. Mullins Lectures on Christian Preaching: privilege

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Boyce College students look forward to being a light in Louisville through 1937 Project

On Saturday March 7, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College community will work throughout Louisville for a day of service. For the last seven years, in cooperation with

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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