
Southern Seminary adds Christian ethics and public theology scholar to its faculty

Baptist scholar and ethicist Andrew Walker is joining the faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, according to today’s announcement from President R. Albert Mohler Jr.

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Matt Boswell, a leading figure in church music and worship, joins Southern Seminary faculty

Matt Boswell, a widely respected hymn writer and leading figure in church music, is joining the faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, President R. Albert Mohler Jr. announced today.

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Graduates go out to invite the nations in, says Mohler at SBTS graduation

The formal commissioning of hundreds for gospel service is not just a graduation. It is ultimately fulfillment of God’s promise to Jesus Christ that his house would be filled, said

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Mohler to Boyce graduates: Ministry preparation has eternal implications

A degree from Boyce College represents an eternal investment, said R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, during the 21st commencement ceremony of Boyce College, May

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Brownback urges SBTS community to fight for religious freedom during McCall Lecture and Leadership Briefing

Samuel D. Brownback, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, encouraged students at Southern Seminary to participate in a “grassroots movement” to make religious freedom a priority in Louisville, Kentucky,

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IMB president Chitwood encourages students to pursue Great Commission faithfulness during Southern Seminary chapel

A glorious vision of people from all nations worshiping God should inspire all ministry and mission, said Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board, during Southern Seminary chapel, April

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Mohler honors Greenway and Stinson, recently elected to Southwestern Seminary leadership, during SBTS chapel

Two graduates and longtime administrators at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary were recognized today during chapel for their recent elections to the leadership of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. R. Albert

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At spring board meeting, Mohler announces three new administrators, urges faithful teaching of the next generation; Board approves an increased budget

Albert Mohler Jr. announced three new appointments to the administration of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary during the plenary session of the spring meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday

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Mohler announces new administrative leadership during trustee meetings

R. Albert Mohler Jr. named three young scholars to key academic leadership positions during his address in the plenary session of the spring meeting of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Political engagement should start in the church, say Mohler and Leeman at Southern Seminary Late Night event during TGC

The local church should be the starting place for Christian engagement in political thinking and involvement, said Jonathan Leeman at Late Night event sponsored by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Southern at TGC: Institutions are indispensable for the growth of the church, says Mohler during breakout session

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was well represented at the biennial national conference of The Gospel Coalition, April 1-3. The seminary sponsored two events during the week: a breakout session

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Greear at SBTS chapel: Gospel goes to the nations through ‘ordinary people’

The gospel needs to spread throughout the world through ordinary people, just like it did in the book of Acts, said J.D. Greear during chapel at The Southern Baptist Theological

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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