
Southern literature: Jim Hamilton’s new book

God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology (Crossway, $40), James M. Hamilton Jr. Understanding the Bible is paramount for Christians to understand the way God works in His world,

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Nov. 8 Towers: SBTS profs talk favorite authors and books; Schreiner discusses new book on biblical law; and fall preview breaks record

The Nov. 8 “Towers” covers authors and books. More importantly, the issue covers Southern Seminary faculty members discussing their favorite and most influential authors and books. Professors from the School

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Southern Story: Pat Melancon

The Great Commission and the Great Commandment are perhaps the two foremost responsibilities of the Christian life. But how does one bring balanced obedience to both? For SBTS visiting professor

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The Resurgence features Allison’s theology of the body

The Resurgence recently featured Gregg R. Allison’s series “The Theology of the Body.” Allison serves as professor of Christian theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Here are some excerpts

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Oct. 25 Towers: Moore looks at evangelism and social justice; Grudem discusses Politics book; and SOCM re-launches journal

With the Oct. 25 “Towers,” we break the rules – we talk about politics and religion. This issue considers the Christian’s place in politics and how the church plays a

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Gentry gives address on meaning of holiness

“Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty.” Many saints throughout the ages of the church have sung these words about the holiness of God. As noted at the close of the

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Quanta and Quiddities: Coppenger considers the creativity of man

Mark T. Coppenger is professor of Christian apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Below, Coppenger offers a celebration of God’s creativity displayed through those made in his image –

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Boyce College brings pastor, worship leader on board

Boyce College, the undergraduate school of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, sent a message recently naming Scott Connell as its new instructor of music and worship leadership. “Connell brings to Boyce

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Oct. 11 Towers: Christianity encounters the digital age; the “new Gutenberg”; and SBTS prof speaks about his forthcoming book

In the Oct. 11 “Towers,” we venture into the church’s latest and perhaps most rapidly growing mission field – the world of technology and social media. Observing the massive change

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Three Questions with Daniel Harman

In the latest “Towers” edition, Daniel Harman, director of Campus Crusade for Christ at the University of Louisville, kindly answered three questions for us. What are some of the daily

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Lawless calls Southern Baptists to committed prayer for GCR

With the report from the Great Commission Task Force in the early stages of implementation, Chuck Lawless urges Southern Baptists to steadfast prayer. In his “First Person” commentary featured at

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ICYFM will host panel on youth ministry

The International Center for Youth and Family Ministry (ICYFM) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will host a panel discussion Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 10 a.m. The panel, “Leadership in

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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