
Southern Story: Temple pursues calling for youth ministry

As a future engineer, he really “had what it takes” to make it as a light for the Gospel in that professional field. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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Three Questions with Steve Farish

For the latest edition of “Towers,” Managing Editor Aaron Cline Hanbury had the opportunity to speak with Stephen J. Farish, senior pastor of Crossroads Church in Grayslake, Ill. You’ve pastored

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Southern professor offers perspective on hell

So what’s the deal with hell? And why is it necessary to the Christian faith? In the latest edition of 9Marks eJournal, “Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality,” contributing authors seek

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Mohler announces podcast, SBTS launches iPad giveaway

R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, reenters the public dialogue, launching two new podcasts “The Briefing” and “Thinking in Public” available Tuesday, Sept. 7. “The

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“Thinking in Public” iPad giveaway, details and rules

Southern Seminary is launching an iPad giveaway on Wednesday, Sept. 1, to promote Dr. Mohler’s new podcasts “Thinking in Public” and “The Briefing.” Subscriptions are available through Contest is

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FLAME launches new record label

Hip-hop artist Marcus Gray, known as FLAME, launched his own record label Sunday, Aug. 1. The Grammy-nominated rapper, who is a school of theology student at The Southern Baptist Theological

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Attend Refo500, earn SBTS class credit

The effects of the Reformation remain with us to this day; in fact, the world has been shaped and formed in far-reaching ways by the legacy of the Reformation.  Southern

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Attend “Connecting” conference, gain course credit

Timothy Paul Jones, associate professor of leadership and church ministry at Southern Seminary, will teach a 3 credit-hour course in conjunction with the Connecting Church and Home conference. Southern Seminary

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SBTS NYC Giveaway

Your summer reading opportunities have just significantly improved. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s New York City extension center is hosting a book giveaway through the social media site Twitter. Starting

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Moore selected as Christianity Today featured author

Russell D. Moore, senior vice president for academic administration and dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote the cover story for the July issue

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Southern Seminary awards McCoy, celebrates Wright’s presidency at SBC luncheon

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary honored Timothy A. McCoy with the seminary’s distinguished alumnus award and congratulated alumnus Bryant Wright on his election as president of the Southern Baptist Convention

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Mohler thanks messengers for entrusting convictional students to SBTS

Deep conviction and a passion for upholding truth and the Gospel makes it a privilege to train the current generation of students R. Albert Mohler Jr. said Tuesday in his

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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