
Mohler focuses on the necessity of conversion at SBC Pastors’ Conference

No matter how orthodox one’s theology or how favorable his opinion of Jesus, unless one is converted from a self-centered life of sin to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ

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Moore challenges Southern Baptists to picture the Gospel by caring for the fatherless

Russell D. Moore called attendees of the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference to view adoption and orphan care not as a charitable effort, but as an extension of the Gospel

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A moment of decision: will Southern Baptists face the future, or will we flinch?

A great sense of historical importance looms as the 2010 meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention fast approaches. The messengers to the SBC meeting in Orlando will cast many important

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Member care at Capitol Hill Baptist Church: an interview with Mark Dever

Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. — where Mark Dever serves as senior pastor — is known for a strong emphasis on preaching, membership, church discipline and church government.

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Q&A with Bryan Chapell on Christ-centered preaching

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May 24 Towers: professor Stam honored at graduation; interviews with Dever, Chapell, Shai Linne & founders

The May 24 Towers combines a collection of interviews with a spotlight on Southern Seminary’s 205th commencement service. You can also read a little about the first commencement held 150

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3 questions with Bob Kauflin

Bob Kauflin serves as director of worship development for Sovereign Grace Ministries and is one of the worship leaders at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Md. As a student prepares

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New book by Plummer provides excellent primer for Bible interpretation

What is the Bible and how should we interpret it? What determines the meaning of the text and can it have more than one meaning? Is the Bible all about

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Mohler to SBTS grads: You won’t finish what you start

Christian ministers are not professionals who take their degrees into the world seeking success as it is typically defined, but instead are deployed for a task of Gospel proclamation which

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Mohler, SBTS to lead reformation tour to Germany, Switzerland

The lives and teachings of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and Knox molded and shaped much of what we know as Western Civilization. Through the reformers and the influence of their followers,

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New School at SBTS thriving after one year, Stinson and Mohler tell trustees

It has been one year since The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary founded the School of Church Ministries and dean Randy Stinson told trustees on April 20 that the new school

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Don’t waste your summer — SBTS expands summer course offerings

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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