No matter how orthodox one’s theology or how favorable his opinion of Jesus, unless one is converted from a self-centered life of sin to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ …
Russell D. Moore called attendees of the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference to view adoption and orphan care not as a charitable effort, but as an extension of the Gospel …
A great sense of historical importance looms as the 2010 meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention fast approaches. The messengers to the SBC meeting in Orlando will cast many important …
Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. — where Mark Dever serves as senior pastor — is known for a strong emphasis on preaching, membership, church discipline and church government. …
The May 24 Towers combines a collection of interviews with a spotlight on Southern Seminary’s 205th commencement service. You can also read a little about the first commencement held 150 …
Bob Kauflin serves as director of worship development for Sovereign Grace Ministries and is one of the worship leaders at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Md. As a student prepares …
What is the Bible and how should we interpret it? What determines the meaning of the text and can it have more than one meaning? Is the Bible all about …
Christian ministers are not professionals who take their degrees into the world seeking success as it is typically defined, but instead are deployed for a task of Gospel proclamation which …
The lives and teachings of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and Knox molded and shaped much of what we know as Western Civilization. Through the reformers and the influence of their followers, …
It has been one year since The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary founded the School of Church Ministries and dean Randy Stinson told trustees on April 20 that the new school …
For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:
Caleb Shaw Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff (502) 897-4121