
SBJT examines Christ’s parables in Matthew

How should the parables of Jesus be interpreted? Are they allegories in which each of the details represent a deeper spiritual reality? Are they folksy tales that Jesus used to

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3 questions with Danny Akin

Danny Akin serves as president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. 1. Why is fervent delivery of expositionally-sound sermons important? How can men grow in developing fervent

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The future of the Southern Baptist Convention

Future of the SBC is hopeful if Great Commission remains central and key questions are addressed, SBC leaders say at Union University conference Southern Baptists today have much to be

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SBTS chapel live blog: David Prince – 1 Peter 2:4-10

Preacher: David Prince, pastor of preaching and vision of Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky. Text/title: 1 Peter 2:4-10 – “Crying Stones or Whining Rocks? The Living Stone and

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Oct. 26 Towers: SBC future conference at Union University; 3 questions with Danny Akin

The Oct. 26, 2009, issue of Towers (accessible online or via pdf) features coverage from Union University’s Southern Baptists, Evangelicals and the Future of Denominationalism conference. Southern Baptists must address

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SBTS chapel live blog: James Hamilton – 2 Samuel 11

Preacher: James Hamilton, associate professor of biblical theology at Southern Seminary. Text/title: 2 Samuel 11 – The wife of Uriah. Hamilton prayed that no one in the room would fall

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Mohler: Pray for GCR Task Force Meeting in Dallas/Ft. Worth

This article first appeared at, which is the location for R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s articles on the Southern Baptist Convention. ————————————————— The Great Commission Task Force is gathering in

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3 questions with Micah Fries, young Southern Baptist pastor in Missouri

Micah Fries serves as senior pastor of Frederick Boulevard Baptist Church in St. Joseph, Mo. 1. What are a few things you would like to see happen in the Southern

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Great Commission Resurgence panel discussion: SBTS live blog

Moderator: R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Panelists: Russell D. Moore, senior vice president for academic administration and dean of the School of Theology at

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SBC can learn from Lottie Moon’s example, Mohler says at Lottie Moon forum at SBTS

Lottie Moon was one of the first missionaries to realize and understand that respecting the people she served meant spending time observing them and learning from them, R. Albert Mohler

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Billy Graham School Dean Lawless Launches New Blog

On Monday, Oct. 19, Chuck Lawless, dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, launched, a blog centered on issues and

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SBTS chapel live blog: Al Gilbert – Acts 20:27-28

Preacher: Al Gilbert Text/title: Acts 20:27-28 – “The Shepherd, the Local Church, and the Great Commission.” I want to focus on the pastor today, and the role of the pastor

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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