Speaker: Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. Session title: To plant or not to plant? The Debate The (attendance) Decline of the American Church and the Rise of Church Planting …
Speaker: Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. Session title: Missiology-Theology? If you take equally called and gifted people and send them to a culture and to the first you say, …
Speaker: Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. Stetzer walked though an article in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Volume 34, from 1998:’The C1-C6 Spectrum: A Practical Tool for Defining Six Types …
One hundred and fifty three years ago, a young scholar named James Petigru Boyce cast a vision for theological education for his colleagues at Furman University, a vision that echoes …
By God’s grace The Southern Baptist Theology has maintained both orthodox theology and missionary passion for 150 years, according to essayists in the latest edition of The Southern Baptist Journal …
Thank you to those of you who submitted stories for the Adopted for Life book giveaways. We received several encouraging and moving adoption stories that illustrated the Lord at work. …
Future pastors studying at conservative seminaries are taught how to rightly divide God’s Word. Courses on hermeneutics, exegesis, theology, church history and homiletics provide students with a wealth of knowledge …
Question: Do you think it’s fair to say that adoption is a summary of the entire biblical story of redemption? Russell D. Moore: Yes. Adoption tells the story of the …
What does the adoption of children have to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the local church? Everything, Russell D. Moore asserts in a new book, “Adopted for …
Larry Poyntz, a Louisville pastor and doctor of ministry student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, died April 24 of a heart attack. He was 59. Over a 30-year pastoral …
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has announced the founding of a new Academy of Sacred Music approved by trustees during their April meeting. Esther Crookshank, Ollie Hale Chiles Professor of …
Boyce Bulldogs head coach Jed Coppenger enjoys teaching his players how to excel on the basketball court. He delights in training them how to hit a three-pointer, play hard-nosed defense …
For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:
Caleb Shaw Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff (502) 897-4121 cshaw@sbts.edu