
Live blog 2: Missional Church Planting conference

Speaker: Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. Session title: To plant or not to plant? The Debate The (attendance) Decline of the American Church and the Rise of Church Planting

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Live blog 3: Missional Church Planting conference

Speaker: Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. Session title: Missiology-Theology? If you take equally called and gifted people and send them to a culture and to the first you say,

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Live blog 4: Missional Church Planting conference

Speaker: Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. Stetzer walked though an article in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Volume 34, from 1998:’The C1-C6 Spectrum: A Practical Tool for Defining Six Types

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SBTS gearing up for SBC annual meeting

One hundred and fifty three years ago, a young scholar named James Petigru Boyce cast a vision for theological education for his colleagues at Furman University, a vision that echoes

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Journal celebrates SBTS sesquicentennial

By God’s grace The Southern Baptist Theology has maintained both orthodox theology and missionary passion for 150 years, according to essayists in the latest edition of The Southern Baptist Journal

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Adopted for Life giveaway winners

Thank you to those of you who submitted stories for the Adopted for Life book giveaways. We received several encouraging and moving adoption stories that illustrated the Lord at work.

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New England internship provides preaching opportunities for SBTS students

Future pastors studying at conservative seminaries are taught how to rightly divide God’s Word. Courses on hermeneutics, exegesis, theology, church history and homiletics provide students with a wealth of knowledge

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Q&A: Russell D. Moore on his new book, Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches (Crossway)

Question: Do you think it’s fair to say that adoption is a summary of the entire biblical story of redemption? Russell D. Moore: Yes. Adoption tells the story of the

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Adopted for Life: New book by Moore paints adoption as picture of the Gospel

What does the adoption of children have to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the local church? Everything, Russell D. Moore asserts in a new book, “Adopted for

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D.Min. student Larry Poyntz dies

Larry Poyntz, a Louisville pastor and doctor of ministry student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, died April 24 of a heart attack. He was 59. Over a 30-year pastoral

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Crookshank named director of SBTS Academy of Sacred Music

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has announced the founding of a new Academy of Sacred Music approved by trustees during their April meeting. Esther Crookshank, Ollie Hale Chiles Professor of

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Boyce Bulldogs put faith into action by sharing the Gospel with inmates

Boyce Bulldogs head coach Jed Coppenger enjoys teaching his players how to excel on the basketball court. He delights in training them how to hit a three-pointer, play hard-nosed defense

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For the Media

For news media seeking comments from President R. Albert Mohler Jr. or other seminary personalities, please contact:

Caleb Shaw
Executive Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
(502) 897-4121

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