Parents of recent SBTS grad murdered in Colombia

Communications Staff — May 29, 2009

The parents of Dagoberto Figueroa, who graduated earlier this month from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, were found dead in their home in Bogota, Colombia, on May 24, the apparent victims of murder.

Parishioners from the church that the 74-year-old Telésforo Figueroa pastored discovered his body along with that of his wife, Ana Ducuara de Figueroa, 69, in the family’s home after the couple failed to arrive for Sunday morning worship service. The couple was apparently murdered on May 22, two days before their bodies were found, according to police reports.

Dagoberto Figueroa graduated from Southern Seminary on May 15 and serves as pastor of a Hispanic church in Nashville. He is the second graduate of Southern’s Hispanic master of divinity program.

Hayward Armstrong, vice president for online learning and intercultural programs, served as Dagoberto Figueroa’s teacher and advisor in the Hispanic M.Div. program and the two have developed a friendship, he said. Armstrong encourages the seminary community to pray for the Figueroa family.

“The seminary community, especially the close-knit Hispanic program participants, prayerfully supports Dagoberto and his family during these days of personal tragedy,” Armstrong said. “We mourn their loss, but celebrate with them the testimony of lives spent in service to Christ and His church.

Police are still investigating the murder and have not determined a motive but believe that the suspect may have known the couple since there were no signs of break-in or robbery at the home. The couple is also survived by a daughter who lives near Nashville. Dagoberto Figueroa and his wife have two daughters.

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