Plummer comments on HCSB Study Bible’s free online availability

Communications Staff — December 2, 2010

Robert L. Plummer, associate professor of New Testament interpretation at Southern Seminary, published some comments on his blog about the free online availability of the Holman Christian Study Bible. Plummer says this is a good idea for the following four reasons:

  • Christian ministry (including academic publishing) is about honoring Christ and serving the church, not about making money (1 Tim 6:5).
  • Christians in developing countries can benefit from this fine resource, which would otherwise be too expensive for them.
  • Even secular authors have found that giving away books online can result in more print copies being sold. If readers have extended time online to peruse a high-quality resource, they often want it in print format also.
  • John Piper gives away his books for free online. Must be a good idea.

Readers can access Plummer’s blog at

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