RNS Quote of the Day features Mohler

Communications Staff — February 17, 2011

The Feb. 16, 2011, Religious News Service (RNS) Daily Report – an email subscription service – features R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary, for its Quote of the Day. The quote comes from Mohler’s Jan. 30 address at the 25th Annual Pastors’ Conference at First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla. Mohler states the following:

If we were to absolutely be honest with ourselves, how much time do we actually spend – even in the lives and programming of many of our churches – in teaching anyone … anything substantial about and from the Word of God?

Readers can find more information about Mohler’s address at the pastors’ conference in a Feb. 16 news update, “Mohler tells pastors to save people from ignorance, ABP notes.”

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