SBTS presence at ETS

Communications Staff — November 18, 2009

Southern Seminary has a strong presence at the Evangelical Theological Society this year with roughly a dozen professors and half a dozen students making presentations at the annual national meeting. The theme of this year’s meeting in New Orleans, La., is “Personal & Social Ethics.” Bruce Ware, professor of Christian theology at Southern is the current president of ETS.

For more details on any of the sessions below, view this calendar, provided by Phillip Bethancourt, a Ph.D. student at Southern.

Wednesday, Nov. 18

8:30am Gregg Allison, Respondent: Overview of Exploring Ecclesiology
8:30am Michael Haykin (Professor of Church History), Moderator: Baptist Studies
8:30am Keith Goad (Ph.D. Student), “A Ruled Reading of Scripture: Learning to Do Theological Interpretation from Gregory the Theologian”
8:30am R. Albert Mohler: Evangelicals And A Common Word
9:20am Aaron O’Kelley: Paul’s Doctrine Of Justification: Ecclesiology Or Soteriology (Student)
9:20am Gregg Allison (Professor of Christian Theology), “Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Promises and Pitfalls for an Evangelical Appropriation”
9:20am Robert Sagers (Ph.D. Student), “Church Membership and the Kingdom of God”
9:20am Tom Nettles (Professor of Historical Theology and Church History), “The Particular Baptist Defense of Beginning Anew”
10:10am Seth M. Rodriguez (Ph.D. Student), “Site Identification: In Search of a Methodology”
11am Andrew Hassler (Ph.D. Student), “Justification and the Individual in Light of the New Perspective on Paul”
11am Mark Coppenger (Professor of Apologetics), “Retribution: The Key to Biblical Justice”
3:40pm Robert L. Plummer (Professor): Righteousness And Peace Kiss: The Reconciliation Of Authorial Intent And Biblical Typology
4:30pm Adam Greenway (Assoc VP for Extension Studies; Professor of Evangelism), “Defender of the Faith: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of R. A. Torrey”

Thursday, Nov. 19

8:30am Kenneth Magnuson (Associate Professor of Chrisitan Ethics), Moderator: Framing Christian Ethics
8:30am William T. Chandler (Ph.D. Student), “Casuistry or the Divine Command to Protect Life: Karl Barth and the Abortion Question”
9:20am Barry Joslin (Associate Professor of New Testament, Boyce College), “The How and Why of It: New Covenant Promises and Direct Connection between Hebrews 8 and 9″
9:20am Russell Moore (Dean, Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics), “A Review and Critique of Frame’s The Doctrine of the Christian Life”
3:10pm Russell Moore, “The Kingdom of God in the Social Ethics of Carl F. H. Henry: A Twenty-First Century Evangelical Reappraisal”
3:40pm Keith Goad, “Gregory of Nazianzus’ Trinitarian Doctrine of Unity”
4:30pm David Puckett (Professor of Church History), “Wilberforce and ‘Lesser’ Evils”
4:30pm Denny Burk (Dean, Boyce College), “Why Evangelicals Should Ignore Brian McLaren: How the New Testament Requires Evangelicals to Render Judgment on the Moral Status of Homosexuality”
4:30pm Eric Johnson (Hoover Professor of Pastoral Care), “Christian Salvation as the Speech-Acts of God”
7pm Bruce Ware (Professor of Christian Theology), “The Man Christ Jesus”

Friday, Nov. 20

9:10am Bruce Ware (Professor of Christian Theology), “A Defense of the Ontological Equality and Functional Authority-Submission Relations among the Three Trinitarian Persons”

10:10am Robert Stein (Senior Professor of New Testament), “The Voice of Jesus in Snodgrass’s Treatment of the Parables”

11:40am Russell Moore, “Adoption and the Renewal of Creation: How the Church’s Mission to Orphan Care Can Reshape Evangelical Eschatology and Ecclesiology”

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