SBTS to host Marriage in Ministry conference, August 2012

Communications Staff — July 11, 2012

On Aug. 23, Southern Seminary will host a daylong conference, Strengthening Your Marriage in Ministry, sponsored by The John and Debbie Bethancourt Lectures for Ministerial Ethics and Family Life.

Conference discussions will explore practical aspects of strengthening marriages and families with special attention given to men and women preparing for gospel ministry.

This free conference is open to all students, student-spouses, faculty and staff of Southern Seminary and Boyce College. Regularly scheduled SBTS and Boyce College classes on Thursday, Aug. 23, will meet in the chapel for the duration of class. Alumni and their spouses will be welcome to attend through our Alumni Academy program. Details on Alumni Academy are available here.

Conference events will take place Thursday, Aug. 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Guest speakers will include Dennis Rainey, president and CEO of FamilyLife, C.J. Mahaney, leader of Sovereign Grace Ministries, Russell D. Moore, dean of the School of Theology and senior vice president for Academic Administration at Southern Seminary, and R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary

Childcare will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis for a small fee. Childcare reservations can be made online here, or by contacting the Health and Recreation Center.

Attendees wishing to take advantage of a free lunch from Chick-fil-A must register by scanning their Shield Cards at the August 16 and 21 chapel services. The scan machines will be set up in Alumni Memorial Chapel before and after chapel services.  Students, student-spouses, faculty and staff may also sign up for lunch by stopping by the Office of Event Productions anytime prior to the first day of the event. After August 20, attendees are welcome to register for the lunch but there will be a $2 fee per person.

Students interested in attending the conference may earn course credit by enrolling in course #45910, under the instruction of Randy Stinson, dean of the School of Church Ministries at Southern Seminary. The course itself will last two days (Aug. 23-24) and will satisfy the core course requirements for 35040 Leadership and Family Ministry. While conference attendance is free, enrollment in course #45910 will incur standard tuition and fees.


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