More than 60 faculty, students, and alumni of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will present papers or participate in panels at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Nov. 17-19, in Atlanta, Georgia.
“I’m thrilled to see once again this year that so many of our students and faculty are heavily involved in ETS,” said Jonathan T. Pennington, director of Southern Seminary’s research doctoral program and associate professor New Testament interpretation. “As the director of our Ph.D. program, I am thoroughly committed to engagement with broader scholarship in biblical and theological studies. This is an essential part of what it means to be a confessional scholar.”
Southern Seminary’s 61 presenters outpaces any other institution participating in the annual gathering of evangelical scholars. The theme for this year’s meeting, “Marriage and the Family,” draws attention to the cultural redefinition on issues like marriage, family, sex, and gender identity.
While presentations cover a variety of disciplines and topics, several of Southern Seminary’s participants will present more than 15 papers on the conference theme, including sessions with R. Albert Mohler Jr., seminary president and author of We Cannot Be Silent; Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation; Donald S. Whitney, associate professor of biblical spirituality; Boyce College professors Denny Burk and Heath Lambert, co-authors of the recently published Transforming Homosexuality; Jeremy Pierre, associate professor of biblical counseling and dean of students; and Mark Coppenger, professor of Christian apologetics.
Pennington, who is presenting two papers at ETS, also noted his excitement about increased participation from seminary students and faculty in the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion annual meeting, which takes place in Atlanta following ETS.
The seminary’s prominent participation in the annual ETS meeting continues a recent trend, which also includes faculty holding leadership roles. Schreiner finished his one-year term as president in 2014, and Christian theology professor Gregg R. Allison is currently serving a seven-year term as secretary-treasurer.
Southern Seminary will also host a late night event at ETS Nov. 18, 9:15 p.m.–midnight, in Grand Salon D. The event for alumni and friends will feature a report from Mohler and include light refreshments and coffee. More information and event listings for ETS are available online at