Professor Michael A.G. Haykin gave one of three plenary presentations at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) in Denver, Colorado, November 13-15. Haykin’s paper — which he presented to around 1,500 fellow scholars from around the world — highlighted Southern Seminary’s deep engagement with the society. In all, more than 60 faculty members, alumni, and doctoral students from Southern Seminary participated in ETS this year.
In addition to Haykin’s plenary, the academic conference featured scholars from Southern Seminary as presenters (reading original papers), respondents (scholarly reactions to other presenters), and moderators (hosts of a series of presentations and responses within a given theological discipline or topic). In all, people from Southern Seminary represented the largest contingent at ETS from one school.
These included some of Southern Seminary’s most widely known faculty members expounding on their most recent publishings, such as Thomas R. Schreiner (as a respondent), Peter Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum, Timothy Beougher, a president R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Here are all the faculty members who gave presentations at the the meeting.
- Gregg Allison: “Eternal Procession, Inseparable Operations, and the Mission of the Spirit”
- Jonathan Arnold: “‘The Voluntary Author of All Divine Operations’: The Holy Spirit in Late-17th-Century England”
- Timothy K. Beougher: “Billy Graham and the Holy Spirit”
- Denny Burk: “Why Evangelicalism Needs the Nashville Statement”
- Mark Coppenger: “Bullish Anthropology/Bearish Pneumatology (and Vice Versa)? Restorationism vs. Calvinism”
- Peter J. Gentry: “The New Israel in Isaiah — A Challenge to Covenant and Dispensational Theologians”; and “The Imago Dei and Its Relation to Humanity as God’s Vice-Regents on Earth”
- Russell T. Fuller: “Using Composition to Learn Biblical Hebrew Syntax”
- James M. Hamilton Jr.: “The Holy Spirit in Christian Worship: The Life-giving Legacy of the Apostolic Band”
- Joseph Harrod: “A ‘Happy Union’: Piety in the Marriage of Philip and Mercy Doddridge”
- Michael A. G. Haykin: “Scriptural Inerrancy: The Witness of Andrew Fuller”
- Ayman Ibrahim (panelist): “Does Religious Freedom for One Mean Religious Freedom for All?”
- Ken Magnuson: “The Surrogacy Solution to Infertility: A Moral Evaluation”
- R. Albert Mohler Jr.: “What I’ve Learned as an Educator and Leader”
- Shane W. Parker: “‘The Eagle Wing of Imagination:’ Methods for Vivid Writing in the Works of Thomas Brooks”
- Bruce A. Ware: “The Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Jesus”
- Stephen Wellum: “The Spirit in Redemptive History as an Illustration of the Relationship between Biblical and Systematic Theology”
- Donald S. Whitney: “Pursuing the Sealing of the Spirit: The Personal Piety of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones”
- Michael S. Wilder: “Brothers Raised Up Among Brothers: Pastoral Leader as a Fellow Follower”
- John D. Wilsey: “A Lock of Hair, a Ruined Cabin, and a Party with Hitler: Historical Empathy in Writing Biography”
- Tyler Wittman: “Eternal Procession and the Doctrine of Creation”
Beyond faculty members, alumni from the seminary who currently serve at other institutions, including Patrick Schreiner (Western Seminary), Lucas Stamps (Anderson University), Dustin Bruce (University of Mobile), and Peter Beck (Charleston Southern University).
Also at the meeting, Mohler was elected vice president of ETS. SBTS News earlier released a story about his election.
The 2019 meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society will take place November 20-22 in San Diego.