Established in 2003, the Heritage Classic Golf Tournament has been integral to raising financial support for the students of Southern Seminary and Boyce College. Over the past 21 years, this tournament has raised over $2.6 million for students training for gospel ministry.
Monday, August 25, 2025
Tournament Overview
The Cause
Southern Seminary is the most trusted name in theological education. With an enrollment of 6,000 students from all 50 states and 70 different nations, God has brought students from all over the world to sit under the instruction of our renowned faculty. Funds raised through the Heritage Classic are deposited into the Southern Fund to help reduce the tuition costs of our students as they prepare to engage today’s world with the truth of Jesus Christ.
The Course
The 22nd Annual Heritage Classic will be held at the prestigious Big Spring Country Club located just minutes from Southern’s campus in Louisville and consistently ranked among the top courses in the state of Kentucky.
The Format
The format will be a 4-person scramble across three flights based on final team scores. Players may sign-up individually or as a team. Each participant will receive one mulligan | door prize token with the option of purchasing one additional token.
There will be numerous contests around the course featuring:
- Hole-in-one
- Longest drive
- Closest to the pin
- Most difficult putt
A schedule for the day may be found below.
The Schedule
10:00 a.m. – Registration Opens
11:00 a.m. – Box Lunches Served
11:30 a.m. – Shotgun Start
4:30 p.m. – Dinner Buffet Opens
5:00 p.m. – Dinner and Award Ceremony
6:00 p.m. – Conclude
The Contribution
Each registration includes golf at Big Spring Country Club, green fees and cart, boxed lunch, attendance at dinner and award program, a player gift box, and 1 door prize | mulligan token.
Participants may register as:
- Individual: $400
- Team (Four Participants): $1,500
- Tournament Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunities
Tournament Sponsorship Levels:
- Heritage Sponsor
- 1859 Sponsor
- Truth Sponsor
- Legacy Sponsor
- Vision Sponsor
Contact Edward Heinze at (502) 897-4156 for more information.
Contact Us
For more information or questions please call (502) 897-4143.
For a recap of this year’s tournament, we invite you to watch this video.