Under the lordship of Jesus Christ, the mission of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is to be totally committed to the Bible as the Word of God, to the Great Commission as our mandate, and to be a servant of the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention by training, educating, and preparing ministers of the gospel for more faithful service.
Why You Should Study at Southern Seminary:
Our Confessional Identity
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was founded as a confessional institution and we remain totally committed to the Bible as the Word of God and to the training, educating, and preparing of ministers of the gospel to faithfully serve the church all around the world. Each faculty member signs our confession of faith, the Abstract of Principles, and pledges to “teach in accordance with, and not contrary to, all that is contained therein.”
Our Trusted Faculty
Southern’s world-renowned faculty are brilliant scholars, experienced pastors, and seasoned theologians with over 1,000 years of combined teaching experience, over 900 years of combined ministry experience, and more than 350 books published. All of their experience is leveraged to teach and prepare you to be a faithful and effective minister of the gospel. Among all the considerations for selecting ministry training, one stands above the rest: choose a faculty.
Our Rigorous Preparation
Academic excellence is essential for preparing our students for success. Southern Seminary’s rigorous programs will challenge you to think deeply and prepare thoroughly – all while equipping you with the biblical and theological foundation and practical skills you need to make a gospel impact. Our M.Div. remains the most comprehensive form of ministerial training available with a core comprised of courses in biblical studies, theology, church history, missions, evangelism, and more.
Our Community
For over 160 years, Southern Seminary has been a robust community of faith and learning. With over 13,000 graduates in the last 30 years, the Southern community is unlike any other. As a student, whether online or in person, you will build relationships that will support and encourage you both during seminary and throughout your lifetime of faithful ministry.
Our Flexibility
Ministry training can take many forms and Southern Seminary is committed to making theological education accessible to you. With fully online M.Div., M.A., and D.Min. concentrations and all degrees offered in residential and hybrid formats, Southern makes it easy for you to choose the option that best fits your life and schedule while ensuring you still receive the trusted preparation you need.
Our Affordability

You’ll Study Under a President with 30 Years of Convictional Leadership
From day one, R. Albert Mohler, Jr. has led Southern Seminary to promote and defend theological fidelity. In his opening address, “Don’t Just Do Something: Stand There,” Dr. Mohler declared with conviction that under his leadership Southern Seminary would return to our confessional founding, defined in the Abstract of Principles, and our mission to educate, prepare, and train ministers of the gospel.
What began 30 years ago continues today.
What Our Graduates Say

In their own words
“My time at Southern revealed not only how my studies affect me but also affect the way my church members read their Bibles. It became clear that my studies were going to affect their souls, their disciplining ministries, and their teaching of the gospel to the nations.”
Pastor, Bethany Baptist Church

In their own words
“Southern Seminary has equipped me to counsel others. In the hardest cases, I can be confident because it is the Word of God that changes lives. I not only know more about counseling, but I was changed. ”
Biblical Counselor

In their own words
“Southern’s emphasis on preaching as the path toward church health has been the foundation of my ministry. Preaching excellent sermons is the most important work I do in serving the people of God.”
Pastor, Christ Church West Chester

In their own words
“The local church is starving for theologically grounded leaders, and Southern is the premier place to train them. The most practical thing you can give yourself to in ministry is the truth of God’s Word.”
Pastor, Storyline Church

In their own words
“As I began studying the Scriptures while at Southern Seminary it led me to dream and imagine how God could use my unique gifts and passions to bring him glory. It is the truth of God’s Word that has given me the foundation to inspire women to use all their work as a way to advance God’s Kingdom.”
Founder, Women at Work
Bible-saturated and historically grounded, Southern Seminary remains committed to doctrinal faithfulness.
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